Marketing expertise on demand

Grundon Marketing provides you with a high-quality professional service to meet your marketing challenges.

Strategy and Consultancy | Project Management | Marketing Communications | Branding and Design | IT Systems Development

Inspiring creativity and change

Grundon Marketing Group is a B2B marketing consultancy and agency with over 25 years of experience. Our passion is helping organisations to achieve more from their marketing function, whether new or established, to improve business performance and development.

For many organisations, the creative area of marketing can sometimes be difficult to understand, formalise into planned activities and to measure, which can impact the ability to achieve strategic objectives and growth. Marketing should affect all areas of operations, such as client-facing assets and communications, the approach to building relationships (internal and external), IT systems, Board-level/business decision-making, and the values and identity you wish to portray. Grundon Marketing will bring expertise, clarity and support to your business, whatever size or stage of development, to achieve your objectives.

Ed Grundon, founder and director at Grundon Marketing, has been a Chartered Marketer for 16 years and is now a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing. His extensive business acumen has helped a wide range of organisations, across a number of industries and departments, to solve their business challenges with confidence.

We would be delighted to demonstrate to you how we can improve your operations and performance.

Ed Grundon FCIM | Marketing Consultant

Marketing and IT services

Strategy & Consultancy

Assisting with the planning, development and delivery of your strategic projects.

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Project Management

Outsourcing service to support your business development requirements.

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Marketing Communications

Providing you with on-message, innovative and proactive campaigns.

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Branding & Design

Developing a brand identity to create awareness and to position your business.

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IT Systems Development

Software development to empower your teams and expand your client services.

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